Friday, 11 October 2013

The life-changing

I have been recently following the 90-days diet. I started in mid-August and so far, I am very satisfied with the results.
Join me and ask me all questions: I will support you through the fat-burning journey with tips and comments on common mistakes.

How it works?
This diet has been developed by American sport doctors. It has no side effects and it's also recommended by natural therapists! The result is a loss of 8-20kilogramms in 90 days, and it also cures high blood pressure.

This slimming cure, besides getting rid of the extra kilos also changes the functioning of your organism. This can guarantee that the lost kilos won't come back after finishing the diet. The cure lasts 90 days. During this you can lose 8-20 kilograms, depending on your start weight.   

BREAKFAST is the same every day: some fruits (two apples or pears, peaches or a handful of strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries etc.). And frequently my choice is FRESH JUICE! Please, make sure you don't miss your breakfast. It waken-ups your metabolism to start burning fat!

During the diet, rotate protein-, starch-, carbohydrate- and fruit-days rotate. DINNER  is before 7 pm. every day.
The order mustn't be changed!


Day 1: Protein-day

LUNCH: boiled or roasted meet- 3 small slices
(Instead of meet you can eat 3 eggs, fried or boiled, or maybe cheese.)
A slice of bread, salad in unlimited measure, without oil, or salt.
You're allowed to eat cheese and drink milk only on this day. A cup of MILK is considered 1 meal.
DINNER: the same like lunch, but half, and without the bread. Be careful to eat exactly what you've eaten for lunch!

Day 2: Starch-day

LUNCH: Any kind of vegetables (beans, peas, french beans, carrots, potatoes etc.). The vegetables must be boiled, or raw. Culinary herbs, condiments, salt, ketchup or tomato sauce can be used as well. Make sure no sugar in the ketchup!
A slice of bread, salad with condiments added to taste.
DINNER: the same as lunch, in smaller amount, recommended dose is half the lunch.

Day 3: Carbohydrate-day

LUNCH: Boiled pastry with condiments. This can be veggie pizza with ketchup( no cheese, no sugar), spaghetti with sauce or any other salty cookies (as much as a portion of pizza)
DINNER: two smaller slices of cake, muffin,  maybe some ice cream and an obligatory dark chocolate bar (20 gr).

Day 4: Fruit-day

LUNCH: any kind of fruit in unlimited measure.
DINNER: any kind of fruit in unlimited measure.
Or: Drink Fresh squeezed juice all day! What a vitamin feast! 
Other useful information:
During the diet once in a month, every 29th day, you have to keep a water-day. This comes after a fruit-day and you'll have to continue then with the protein-day.
Coffee and tea can be consumed in unlimited measure, without sugar and milk of course.
After finishing the diet you can eat normally, with the condition that for breakfast you continue to eat only fruits for another 90 day long period. You can choose food from Day 1,2 or 3, but don't mix proteins, starch and crabs in one meal. If you decide to have protein lunch, then dinner could be at your choice, but again, please do not mix the food groups. 
This weight loss program might sound a bit complicated, but it's not at all!
Nothing should be left out from the diet, all sorts of foods have their own rules and are necessary for the organism.
It might sound quite strange and unusual to eat fruits for breakfast, but it's very beneficial because the body uses the integral sugar in them first, what feeds the nervous system.
 Those who suffer from high blood pressure, can skip their medicines after a few weeks of dieting, with the approval of their doctors of course.